Where To Start

If you are unable to find “The One – Your Perfect Home” from our currently under construction Available Homes, fret not. Starting a new home from the ground up is like starting any other journey in life. This new start can be exciting, but we know it may also seem like a daunting task. Luckily, you are not alone at The Builders Group.

The first step in the process is to select which design track below fits your needs:

Signature Series Track

This track typically offers the timeliest path to completion at the lowest cost to our customers. Think value, efficiency, and livability. You begin by choosing which Signature Series plan best meets your needs and wants. After plan selection, one of our Design Specialists will schedule a personal meeting with you to select your finishes and colors in our inspiring Design Studio. Changes to a Signature Series plan are limited to available options and the allowable range of selections and colors. Because these plans are part of who we are, they can be placed into our production process faster, and completed in less time. This Track delivers the most bang for your buck in the quickest time frame possible… that’s VALUE. Any changes outside of our allowable options and selections can be accommodated with a transaction to our Premium Design Track.

Premium Design Track

This track offers the most opportunity for the customer to make specific changes and customizations. Our phenomenal Architectural Drafters and talented Design Specialists will work with you to carefully craft one of our Signature Series Plans or a plan of your choosing into that perfect Dream Home. Through an iterative process of drafting, selections, and pricing, our team will help you along the way to reach your goals. Because our team will be using our resources and talent to guide you along this track, we do require a pre-construction services agreement and non-refundable deposit for all Premium Design Track clients. Although this Track provides more flexibility and choice, it is more costly and time consuming. However, the results are still the same… a home that impacts you for years to come.

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